Author: Maurice Mitchell

As if riding a motorcycle wasn’t cool enough, Universal Designs Ltd. is making it that much cooler with leather suits designed to make you look like a superhero. They’ve already been selling a suit to make you look like Wolverine (X-Men II) or boots to make you look like Batman (The Dark Knight). Now, they have a suit that will make you look like Iron Man. They call it the IRON MAN™ Mark V Motorcycle Suit. Here’s how they describe it. Devised from the latest advances in armor deployment technology, Tony Stark’s Mark V Armor is vastly more portable than…

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LA Times Hero Complex is reporting that the superhero movies Captain America: The First Avenger (July 22, 2011) and Thor (May 6, 2011) will be shown in glorious 3-D. Knowing that audiences have scoffed at post-production 3-D in the past, Marvel is working to convince the fans. At the San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel Studios will present their case to fans that three dimensions is the way to go. “We came to feel that in our case 3-D could be the very good friend of story and character for a different kind of experience,” Kenneth Branagh, the director of Thor, said.…

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As much as I love Star Wars, when George Lucas announced a planned live-action television show I was wary. They’ve been talking about a show like that since the original trilogy and, as a kid, I thought there couldn’t be anything better. Then, Lucas released the new trilogy and I realized its possible to ruin a good thing. In 2007, Lucas announced Lucas Arts is developing a show set in the universe between the trilogies. At a special screening, Lucas told why its been years since the announcement and there’s still no series. “The live action TV show is kind…

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In May, Sci Fi Wire reached one million unique visitors. In June, Sci Fi Wire topped it with 1.4 million unique visitors. That’s impressive. Beginning today, one of our favorite science-fiction blogs “Sci Fi Wire” is rebranding and changing the name to They’re promising a “daily curated smorgasbord of news, features, images, popular science, videos and guest bloggers.” I’ll miss the old name, just like I miss the name Sci-Fi. “SciFi Wire” told you everything you needed to know about the blog. Of course, with all their great content they could call it and we’d still go read…

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Creative fashions fans made using the Warner Bros. bags io9 asked an interesting question about the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con International 2010: Could there be a “nerd” riot? They said no. But, what if fans hear about free giveaways in limited quantities featuring their favorite geeky television shows? Let’s do the math: Attendance usually tops 120,000. There will be 125,000 giveaway bags. This sounds good until you realize that there are 11 different bags to collect. While not everyone will be shanking one other for a “Scooby-Doo” bag, there might be a scramble for the sexy totes with Maggie Q (Nikita) and…

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My brother and I are huge fans of director Christopher Nolan. Besides his Batman films, his mind-blowing film The Prestige convinced us that smart science-fiction still exists. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be doing daily posts on the development of the film. This summer, your mind is the scene of the crime. PART 9 of 12 Academy Award winner Hans Zimmerman (The Dark Knight,The Lion King, Gladiator) is a German film composer and executive score producer on dozens of films. Most recently, Christopher Nolan hired him to work on The Dark Knight and he’s hired him to write the score…

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Star Wars wouldn’t be the same without Darth Vader. Darth Vader IS David Prowse. We know that David Prowse has been “uninvited” from Star Wars Convention V (C5) and you may be asking yourself: What can I do? Corporations own the name and licenses, but Star Wars exists because of the fans. Fans promote Star Wars. Fans buy the products. Fans can correct this travesty of justice and bring David Prowse back to Star Wars. If the fans decide they want to see David Prowse at a convention, then he will have to be there no matter what LucasFilm says. So, what can…

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My brother and I are huge fans of director Christopher Nolan. Besides his Batman films, his mind-blowing film The Prestige convinced us that smart science-fiction still exists. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be doing daily posts on the development of the film. This summer, your mind is the scene of the crime. PART 8 of 12 Ellen Page was nominated for playing a underage pregnant girl in Juno. Now, she plays Ariadne, an architecture student in Paris who is recruited by Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) for his corporate espionage team, which breaks into the dreams of billionaires using advanced technology.…

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Matt Sloan and Aaron Yonda were kind enough to let us do an interview for our blog. They’re best known for their video series “Chad Vader,” a viral Internet sensation that has received over 25 million Internet downloads and counting (view it on YouTube). Chad Vader has won over a dozen film festival awards, including the “George Lucas Selects” award from the 2007 Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge. The series has been written about in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, TV Week Magazine, Chicago Sun Times, Washington Post and The Metro (UK), among others. It was featured…

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My brother and I are huge fans of director Christopher Nolan. Besides his Batman films, his mind-blowing film The Prestige convinced us that smart science-fiction still exists. The science-fiction film Inception, about a group of thieves stealing from dreams, opens nation-wide July 16th. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be doing daily posts on the development of the film. PART 7 of 12 Michael Caine has played on three of director Christopher Nolan’s films (Batman Begins, The Prestige and The Dark Knight). In the science-fiction film Inception he plays “a professor who’s teaching [Leonardo DiCaprio] science. He’s going off to…

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My brother and I are huge fans of director Christopher Nolan. Besides his Batman films, his mind-blowing film The Prestige convinced us that smart science-fiction still exists. The science-fiction film Inception, about a group of thieves stealing from dreams, opens nation-wide July 16th. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be doing daily posts on the development of the film. Part 6 of 12 Inception’s official Facebook page is chock full of links to contests and give-aways. Some require you to sign up though. What do you think of Facebook viral marketing?

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My brother and I are huge fans of director Christopher Nolan. Besides his Batman films, his mind-blowing film The Prestige convinced us that smart science-fiction still exists. The science-fiction film Inception, about a group of thieves stealing from dreams, opens nation-wide July 16th. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be doing daily posts on the development of the film. PART 5 of 12 Richard King is an Oscar-winning sound designer for War of the Worlds, Master and Commander, and The Dark Knight. On Inception, he told Wired how he created the sound effects for a pivotal scene where a train…

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My brother and I are huge fans of director Christopher Nolan. Besides his Batman films, his mind-blowing film The Prestige convinced us that smart science-fiction still exists. The science-fiction film Inception, about a group of thieves stealing from dreams, opens nation-wide July 16th. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be doing daily posts on the development of the film. PART 4 of 12 Joseph Gordon-Levitt faced massive challenges on the film, training for weeks to shoot a long fight sequence that takes place along walls and ceilings. “It was also, probably, the most pain I’ve ever been in on a…

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One of our intrepid readers sent us this list of 100 Classic Sci-Fi movies you can watch online for free. “We just posted an article, ‘100 Classic Sci-Fi Movies You Can Watch Online For Free’ I thought I’d bring it to your attention in case you think your readers would find it interesting.” – Amanda My favorite thing about this list is that it’s sorted by decade for context. This is an awesome list of great science fiction films and I admit to a touch of jealousy that I hadn’t written it. Here are some highlights: 1. A Trip to…

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My brother and I are huge fans of director Christopher Nolan. Besides his Batman films, his mind-blowing film The Prestige convinced us that smart science-fiction still exists. The science-fiction film Inception, about a group of thieves stealing from dreams, opens nation-wide July 16th. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be doing daily posts on the development of the film. PART 3 of 12 As part of their viral marketing strategy, Warner Bros launched an online game called Inception: Mind Crime. As it progressed through four stages, fans could unlock and reveal all sorts of hidden goodies. Here’s how Nolanfans describes it: This…

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Lynda Carter weighs in on the new costume debate. [Pic of the week from]The colossal news last week was that DC has changed Wonder Woman’s costume in issue #600. They put her in leather pants and a jacket and got rid of the swim suit . “She’s been locked into pretty much the exact same outfit since her debut in 1941,” New writer J. Michael Straczynski said. “If you’re going to make a statement about bringing Wonder Woman into the 21st century, you need to be bold and you need to make it visual. I wanted to toughen her…

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My brother and I are huge fans of director Christopher Nolan. Besides his Batman films, his mind-blowing film The Prestige convinced us that smart science-fiction still exists. The science-fiction film Inception, about a group of dream thieves, opens nation-wide July 16th. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be doing daily posts on the development of the film. Part 2 of 12″It was a very well written, comprehensive script,” Mr. DiCaprio said, “but you really had to have Chris in person, to try to articulate some of the things that have been swirling around his head for the last eight years.”During filming, Mr. DiCaprio said,…

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My brother and I are huge fans of director Christopher Nolan. Besides his Batman films, his mind-blowing film murder mystery Memento convinced he that smart science-fiction still exists. The science-fiction film Inception, about a group of dream thieves, opens nation-wide July 16th. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be doing daily posts on the development of the film. Part 1 of 12When director Christopher Nolan was developing his latest film Inception, he took encouragement from the tradition of hit fantasy movies like Star Wars that hinted at vaster worlds. The challenge of bringing a film of such a massive scale…

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Here’s an exciting press release we got from humor writer, producer and teacher Ira Nayman. he has recently won the 2010 Swift Satire Competition for his poem “Love Amid the Construction.” E L O Q U E N T B O O K S WHAT ONCE WERE MIRACLES ARE NOW CHILDREN’S TOYS News You Can Abuse (On Booze) Better than Slitherian toothpaste! Cheaper than having your arms replaced by computer-enhanced toaster ovens! Makes more sense than Pat Robertson in a blender! Yes, the second collection of author Ira Nayman’s Alternate Reality News Service articles, “What Were Once Miracles Are Now…

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If you’ve ever wanted to hear Darth Vader’s heavy breathing over the phone, this is your day. Right before the opening of the Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back they had the idea of using a free recorded phone message to promote the movie. Recently, Craig Miller, Lucasfilm’s first director of fan relations, found some old cassette tapes of the recordings and posted them to Here’s what they would have heard accompanied by, possibly inappropriate, heavy breathing: “They managed to rescue the princess and destroy the Death Star. But, this time, the rebels won’t be so lucky. The power…

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First off, I’d like to give my sincere apolgies to the makers of the mini-series The Phantom when I said it would be horrible. I was wrong. It was just boring. The SyFy television mini-series, based on the iconic Lee Falk comic strip “The Phantom”, clocked in at a drudging four hours long. Most of this time was spent setting up characters and conflict in the typical “Heros Journey.” Kit Walker (Ryan Carnes) lives an unimpressive life until he is approached by a group that tell him he is the adopted son of a legendary hero from Africa known as “The Phantom” or…

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Because even the Dark Side can be cute. Pic of the week from week’s news prove that Iowa grows more than corn, one kid makes the best science project ever and we answer the question “Does ‘Stretch Armstrong’ Have the worst superpower?” At a Star Trek Convention in Iowa, 159 fans set out to break the London Guiness world record for the “most costumed Star Trek fans.” The record was previously set by a London group of 99 in February of this year. Maurice: One of the main motivations of this drive was to set the record in the…

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The best thing about the up-coming Green Hornet film is the superhero car “Black Beauty.” Having the right “whip” is important to a superhero and even Batman knows that “chicks dig the car.” With the release of the Green Hornet trailer we get more shots of the ride, and we now present the 17 cars superheros drive that we love. 1. Batman’s Bat-Mobile 60s This is the car that sets the standard for all others. The epitome of style and everything has a helpful “Bat…” label on it. Based on the 1955 Lincoln Futura concept car, this behemoth still inspires.

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We just got a press release about one of our favorite web series “Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager.” The humor of these videos comes from Chad’s perfect mix of ego and incompetence. If you’ve never seen or heard of him, head over to Babelgum to watch it. You can find out more and read the entire press release after the jump…

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Richard Matheson, the writer of such iconic stories as I Am Legend and The Incredible Shrinking Man is being inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame this weekend. Richard Matheson is among the most prolific and quietly recognizable authors of science fiction short stories, novels and screenplays. His first short story, “Born of Man and Woman,” was published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in 1950. Although written as a simple tale of terror, the tale was lauded as a great work of science fiction, earning Matheson immediate fame. Matheson transitioned to TV and film writing in…

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The Box is a confusing mess of pointless items that eventually waters down the original story and answers no questions. Imagine you receive a mysterious box covered in expensive velvet. You take the box inside and open it to find a cowbell, a stuffed beaver, two pieces of ribbon and a slide whistle. The note says all will be explained and you wait in anticipation. Watching The Box is kind of like this. Based on an 1986 episode of The Twilight Zone called “Button, Button”, The Box stars James Marsden and Cameron Diaz as a Southern couple living an everyday middle-class…

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David Prowse, the actor who famously played Darth Vader (not the voice) in the original Star Wars trilogy has just posted on his site that he’s been banned from the big Lucas Film Star Wars Celebration V (C5) in Orlando. “It is with regret that I have been informed by my friends at C2 Ventures, Ben and Phillip, that I am not to be invited to C5 this year or any other Lucas Film associated events. After enquiring, the only thing I have been told is that I have ‘burnt too many bridges between Lucas Film and myself’ – no other reason…

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Simon Pegg, who went on to play Mr. Scott in the Star Trek 2008 movie, once said that every odd-numbered Star Trek film being bad was a fact of life. Is it true? This chart will answer the question. Do you think the Star Trek flms are doomed to fail?

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The second of the two-part episode, titled “Cold Blood,” renewed my faith in Doctor Who and is easily my favorite episode so far. The episode picked up where the previous one, “The Hungry Earth,” left off. The Doctor (Matt Smith) and Dr. Nasreen Chaudry (Meera Syal) were exploring the surprisingly large underground city of the reptilian Silurians. Amy Pond (Karen Gillian) was about to be “decontaminated” and the others struggle under the prediction of their captive underground invader that one of them will kill her. This episode moved quickly as it showed that not all the Silurians were militantly evil and some were…

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Download these free award finalist ebooks from Now free on the US version of Apple’s “iBooks” store:’s four major award finalists from 2009, nicely done up as elegant ePub files for your iPad (and, once iOS 4 ships on June 21, your iPhone). “Eros, Philia, Agape” by Rachel Swirsky, Hugo and Locus Award finalist “A Memory of Wind” by Rachel Swirsky, Nebula Award finalist “First Flight” by Mary Robinette Kowal, Locus Award finalist “Overtime” by Charles Stross, Hugo Award finalist All four are also available for free in Amazon’s Kindle Store and the Sony Reader store; they’ll appear…

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