David Prowse, the actor who famously played Darth Vader (not the voice) in the original Star Wars trilogy has just posted on his site that he’s been banned from the big Lucas Film Star Wars Celebration V (C5) in Orlando.
“It is with regret that I have been informed by my friends at C2 Ventures, Ben and Phillip, that I am not to be invited to C5 this year or any other Lucas Film associated events. After enquiring, the only thing I have been told is that I have ‘burnt too many bridges between Lucas Film and myself’ – no other reason given…I have also been advised by the promoter of Paris Manga in September that LFL (Lucas Film Limited) have requested no photo opportunities with the 501 Squadron, even though I am commander in chief of the 501”
It’s possible this stems from complaints he made to Slashfilm last year that he isn’t getting any residual checks because, according to LucasFilms, the films “never made a profit.”
If so, this is criminal. The guy’s 76-years-old. He has massive arthritis problems. He’s had hip and knee replacement surgery and can’t move one of his arms. His main source of income is that he was one of the actors in the most successful movie franchise in history. Emperor Lucas, send the guy a couple of checks or, at least, let him do some photo-ops.
Show support for David Prowse by signing our online petition to LucasFilm.
What do you think of Darth Vader being banned from Star Wars?
UPDATED 3: Fyxt tipo fur da secynd tyme. Thanks Tim. π
UPDATED 2: There is some really good insights and discussion on this topic thanks to DrJulianBashir on Reddit. I would also like to add that there are some gut-bustingly funny comments there too. If this keeps up, we may have to have a contest to see which is the best one. Great job guys!
UPDATED: Added clarification of Prowse role as Darth Vader and omitted incorrect information on health problems. Changed typos
<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="42633 ">68 Comments
Linked at the Eye of Polyphemus.
If ever there was a situation that justified use of Force Choke this is it.
I heard that. Would it be too Dark Side just to zap him with some Force Lighning? Maybe just a tap…
Total crap there is no way he should be banned hes a freaken legend. Total Force Choke is so needed.
I can't believe it.. He wasn't allowed at Celebration I either, something about his caractor not in Episode I. But word got out he was in town, and a bunch of us went to the hotel and he signed autographs there it was great. He is one of the main caractors in Empire he defintley needs to be there..
That's ridiculous. Another sign that Lucas just doesn't get it. Prowse is an icon. Don't know how to express how depressing this treatment is.
Or maybe, just maybe, we don't know the whole story and only have the Prowse side of the story.
I'd rather not pick a side when 'evidence' is this circumstantial, no matter what I thought of the prequels.
James Earl Jones IS Darth Vader.
Prowse was just a guy in a suit. Anyone could have done that.
It does seem a little harsh – although I'm sure there's another side to the story.
you spelled emperor wrong
BALLS. Just pure greedy, bigoted jack-assry
You know, they do have a point. Star Wars never DID make any money. Its pretty remarkable that we even know about these obscure cult films all these years later. I heard Lucas himself is living in a trailer near Fresno; pretty sad if you ask me.
Hollywood Accounting. Google it π
Ahh the joys of net profit accounting…
We don't really have Prowse side of the story either he just released a statement saying lucas has banned him and he doesn't know why. The speculation is from the writer of the article.
I totally agree sithshady!
Not to mention, I'm sure he got paid at the time he was working on the films. It's not Lucas' fault he didn't invest wisely. Besides, it's Lucas' intellectual property – not Prowse's.
The sad thing here is that you're only hearing Prowse's side of the story – and unfortunately, he's done this to himself. Prowse is difficult to work with, and has been badmouthing Lucas, his companies, and its employees in public for years… Frankly, I'm surprised it took them this long to deal with him.
Also, Prowse makes appearances somewhere almost every weekend – it's a joke in the industry that Prowse will show up for any signing – so long as you sign a check for him. Missing one or two conventions won't hurt the guy, and maybe this will convince him to reconsider his attitude.
you should read about what lucas did to ed gale, the guy in the howard duck costume. he went out to meet lucas at the machus red fox and was never seen again. some say you can see his ghost in the background of the pod racing scene in episode one.
The dark side is at work here!
Who's "Lucas"? …no, really?
0 for 2 on emperor.
Still spelling Emperor wrong even after correction π
If Lucas cared, he would have NEVER unleashed Jar Jar Binks upon us.
well we actually do know lucas's side. he is an a****, that's not news to anyone.
if you've seen ep's 1,2,3 you should understand it quite fast :).
I find your lack of faith in Prowse disturbing.
Prowse wasn't removed from the end of ROTJ — that was Sebastian Shaw.
Toadwarrior — that was NOT Prowse at the end of ROTJ, it was Sebastian Shaw. He played Vader unmasked — they never showed Prowse's face.
As for this story, I suspect there's more to it, and I'd rather hear both sides, as Prowse has a rep as a primadonna and a whiner.
Vader being Luke's father — only Jones and Mark Hamill knew, and they were only told right at the last minute. In an interview, Hamill said that was literal — he was pulled aside right before filming the scene and informed of it. They didn't want ANY spoilers getting out. (And Prowse apparently had a big mouth) NO ONE knew.
As I said, you NEVER SEE PROWSE'S FACE!!! That was Sebastian Shaw. You can complain about Lucas replacing HIS face with Christensen's, but that has nothing to do with Prowse.
I believe James Earl Jones only made about five grand for the original gig, and didn't even get a screen credit.
If you're going to bash Lucas, at least get your facts straight.
"You don't deserve any money from us, please GTFO. – Sincerely, George Lucas."
Greedy bastard.
Who cares? I always heard he was a total jackass on set and nobody liked him.
It wasn't only Darth Vader's voice. It was the way he moved. The way he carried himself. That was Prowse. "Any" actor could have done that? Who Brad Pitt? Paul Reubens as Pee Wee Herman? LOL!!!
I have to disagree with your point that "Anyone could have done that." There's a lot more to acting than just a voice, there's a lot more to a character than the way he or she sounds. Prowse may not have even had a face, essentially, in these films, but the physicality of a character on camera is just as important to how the audience views that character as any number of other variables. It's just as important to who Darth Vader is to us today.
Darth Vader isn't capable of using Force Lightning due to his metal appendages. Choke and Throw are still viable, though.
Editor fail: "Emperor"
Hopefully I am logged out. I have known the two of them off and on for years. I can simply say that I agree with the above post and that neither side is particularly innocent in the matter.
Just what I came here to say.
I don't think this is Lucas personally. So let's not blame him. He's a very hands-off sort of person. And he's very forgiving. Look at how much leeway he gives his fans that make Star Wars related media. It's probably some dumb bean counter in his company.
Oh sure. LFL let's that insufferable jerk Anthony Daniels waltz around and fleece the fans, but they they put the banhammer on a REAL actor simply because he asked for his fair share.
In his earlier incarnation as the Green Cross Code Man, David Prowse taught me to cross the road.
(From the light side to the dark side.)
In his defence, he said "changed" typos, not "fixed" typos…
Try "Emperor." I find your lack of spell check disturbing.
"a couple checks"
Couple OF checks. The fail is strong with this one.
prowse before hoes
The actor who played Buck in _Ordinary_People_ told me that he had complained to the company about not getting residuals. He said they didn't deny cheating him, but instead they said: We can afford better lawyers than you can.
Never argue with a man with a gun, don't bash the producer who controls your paycheck
That is some heavy nerd crap right there.
"never made a profit." ?! WTF?
Lucas IS the villain.
No matter the truth at issue here, I'm sure my Brothers in the 501st Legion will welcome Mr. Prowse at our events outside the sanctioned main halls of the Celebration 5 Convention…. right, Brothers?
No – After a film is released, actors are generally sent residuals every years based on the film's susequent performance (video/dvd/tv/cinematic re-release)… If the cheques have stopped being sent (if they were sent previously, they set a precedent, and were probably contractually bound to do so), then they are breaking contract and stealing from Prowse.
It is disgusting that this actor should have to chase payments from Lucas. Lucas should be ashamed of what has happened here.
ITYM "a couple of cheques"… The FAIL is strong with YOU! π
I wasn't aware of this stuff obviously… But when information comes from an anonymous source, I get a bit suspicious… Not saying that it's untrue, simply that it's hard to believe a guy hiding behind a mask….
Oh… hang on… Prowse hides behind a mask too!
OMG, I'm terribly confused now! π
There has to be more then what is being told to us, the fans! I agree that banning the guy is childish and disrespectful and he is a part of Star Wars as much as anyone else.
I agree with darthtigris that the whole story is needed before judgement can be made. I honestly can not see why Lucas would deny what is owed to Dave, but who knows??
I disagree. Compare David Prowse's performance as Darth Vader to Hayden Christensen in EPIII. Prowse had an imposing physical presence that added weight to the character.
I think this is one-sided, but until Lucasfilm gives us their side, this is all we have. But I would also say that regardless of how you feel about Prowse as a person, he's still a part of Star Wars. William Shatner is a well-known notorious arrogant self-centered blowhard, and had that reputation even during the original filming of the series. But he's still a part of Star Trek and deserves respect.
Not so much … In Revenge of the Sith, when Hayden was in the suit, it just wasn't the same (granted Hayden wasn't the best choice for Anakin anyway). Prowse may have just been wearing a suit, but he wore it well enough to embody the voice of Darth Vader (James Earl Jones), that's gotta say something.
I think its disgusting that he is being treated this way, tell the man
tell the man in charge to grow up and be a man not a pathetic controlling idiot
Here's another Hollywood story for you who think those sleaze balls care anything about supporting actors. The Seinfeld re-runs make 60 million a year…just in re-runs. That goes to Jerry and David…the three supporting actors (Elaine, George, Kramer) well they get nothing, zero, zilch. As far as i am concerned Jerry S would not be where he is without them supporting his terrible on stage ability…he's not even a funny person…The Powers That Be, in Hollywood a greedy pieces of crap who shake your hand with 1 arm and pick your pocket with the other. Ask Walt Disney or any other independent film maker.
For having met him on several occasions, I need to mention that mister prowse is not a very nice person… When you meet darth vader in person as a 15 yo fan for the first time in your life, and that before even saying hello or shaking hands he says "15 euros" (for the signature)…
There are many star wars actor who are much more fun to get in touch with. Since then I don't buy his signatures because I ain't paying for someone not caring about fans.
Peter Mayhew (chewbacca) is the same type of guy… not nice, only here for money.
Of course those actors do conventions to get some extra cash, but you can do that in a respectfull way, and not act like a jerk because you were Vader's body…
I don't know why lucasfilm banned him from conventions and celebration 5 especially. But I couldn't care less, I wouldn't have spend a dime for his signature anyway.
So I got to spend some time with David at the last couple of conventions and he spends the whole time talking trash about Lucas and yes -the fans. He may be an icon but he certainly isn't part of true SW spirit.
Now that is so cool you got to meet him. I'm not familiar with C1, so thanks for the insight.
Yeah… no. This is just stupid. Lucasfilms doesn't have justification for doing this. It was a slap in the face to take Prowse out of the end of Jedi in the "special" (short bus) edition. Period. It was unnecessary. It doesn't make chronological sense. Everyone hated Hayden Christiansen to begin with. This is a prime example of the maltreatment of people in show biz that makes me sick.
And that is why I won't purchase the special edition or prequel dvd's, because I refuse to support what Lucasfilms has become. I'll watch my theatrical edition VHS tapes, thank you very much. I'll just have to fix the part on Jedi where I rewound it a whole bunch when you can see Leia's butt.
Besides, Prowse was practically a film legend when it comes to background characters. He was pretty menacing in Clockwork Orange, especially considering he carried the wheelchair guy down the stairs 20 takes in a row.
Well since it wasn't prowse that got removed from the movie, I don't see any problem with that as far as he is concerned π
Prowse was only the body for vader. Sebastian Shawn was his face (ie vader all white and with scars), and his voice was made by someone else too π
Also see above comments, I ain't the only one complaining about mister prowse attitude during convention.
Huh. I thought they were the same person. My bad. Still, there wasn't any reason to remove Sebastian Shaw from the ending of Jedi. They didn't take out Alec Guinness and splice Ewan McGreggor in. There's not much reason to keep Prowse from the convention, either. He's a crotchety old guy that didn't get face time as Vader, and it's his right to spout it off, whether he's at the convention or not. It's no skin off Lucas' nose anyway; he's a billionaire. I think he's right to yell at the fans too; Maybe they'll take the hint and get a life.
It's called LUCASFILM, not Lucasfilms; Obi-Wan didn't turn to the dark side; and for the short bus crowd, Prowse wasn't taken out of the end of Jedi, and Sebastian Shaw is still in it. Period. "Everyone" is an interesting first name, your parents were very creative.
So now you're pulling a troll-and-flame move? Good, great use of the semicolon there. You obviously didn't read that I corrected my mistake about Shaw/Prowse. And just for kicks, this is the part where Shaw WAS removed from Jedi for no reason:
Jeez, get Lucas' d*** out of your mouth.
i don't know if is my browser but your pics doesn't load very well.
I don't care about the what happened in the past between these two. It just doesn't sit well with me that Prowse is literally an old man now; why does he have to be treated so badly?
depressing? remove yourself, it is this tiny thing and it has nothing to do with you.
i am quite sure this person collects social security and other benefits just like every other retired person.
he signed the contract and did his job, to ask for something beyond that is what's ridiculous.