Browsing: Temp

There was a particulary strange batch of news this week, but for some reason Star Trek won out. Go figure.…

Our love of fan-films ranges from the clunky to the brilliant, and Doctor Who: Alternate Empire is a fascinating entry…

Well, it looks like our earlier plea to put Dollhouse out of its misery was heard. According to the Hollywood…

When I heard they were making a movie out of the awesome Twilight Zone episode Button, Button, I was delighted…

There are many debates that rage through the annals of geekdom. Star Wars vs. Star Trek. Picard vs. Kirk. Batman…

Here’s this week top stories and opinions. In the comments you can agree or disagree. Join in the conversation! The…

Here’s this week top stories and opinions. In the comments you can agree or disagree. Join in the conversation! While…

Back in July 7th 2009, the 16-year old “Sci-Fi channel” rebranded itself with the goofy name “SyFy”. While the Internet…

Here’s this week top stories and opinions. In the comments you can agree or disagree. Join in the conversation! The…

Nicholas Cage, who was signed on to play the main villain, Chudnofsky in Green Hornet has decided to step out…

I decided to rename the “Sci-Fi Snippets” feature to something else since it’s not very descriptive. Put your suggestions in…