Author: Maurice Mitchell

Shatner Uninvited from Star Trek 2 Party William Shatner’s pre-Star Trek (2009) rant aside, many hoped he would show up in the sequel. By many, I mean Shatner. Alas, the 77-year-old actor will not be in the film. I’ve become an acquaintance of J.J. [Abrams] of late … But, I’m afraid no, no, I will not be in Star Trek 2.Nimoy’s role as “Elder Spock” was brilliant for the first film. I can’t imagine how the movie wouldn’t sink into a pit of cheese if Shatner showed up. Blastr Spielberg Secretly Hates Megan Fox Too In a recent GQ magazine…

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Early this month we asked you to provide a caption to a picture to win a prize. Some great entries have come through. So great that we can’t decide. We’re going American Idol on it.Your votes will decide who wins this month’s contest. Here are the entries:”This isn’t the ‘roid we are looking for….” – Anonymous “We came to this planet to go to Burger King and we messed up..” – berwyn100 “when did they make a 4th stooge? thank you,.” – Beth Shepherd “Extra! Extra! Rebel Droid, Captured by Empires Finest.” – Daniel S. Lopez “I can’t believe the…

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Here’s this week’s big news in case you missed it. Doctor Who Getting ShrunkSome majorly bad Doctor Who news hit the net that the show will be cut in half from 13 episodes to 6 for the next two seasons. They’ll do a 50th anniversary special, but that’s it. BBC said it’s because of show-runner Steven Moffat’s involvement in another successful show Sherlock. Then Moffat said it’s got nothing to do with Sherlock. What’s the point then? Budget probably. Money’s tight all over. Oddmakers: What are the odds that Doctor Who will be canceled? BBC News Russell Crowe in Talks…

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Entries closed. Vote on the winner in the sidebar till June 29th! This month’s contest is going to be a fun one. Simply provide a caption for the picture above in the comments! The best caption may choose a hat or t-shirt from our Geek Twins store. How to Win You, the reader, submit your caption below, we choose three finalists, and you vote for your favorite using the “Like” button on the comments. Finalists for this month’s contest will appear online Wednesday, June 22nd, and the winner will be announced June 27th. Only one answer per person is allowed, but you can also…

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Zack Snyder once said the Superman movie franchise is “broken,” but he’s wrong. It’s almost broken. Here are six ways to kill the Superman franchise for good. Lame villains, no budget and comedy galore will kill it foever. 1. Get the Lamest Villain You Can FindAll the great Superman movies have great villains, so get the worst possible villain or make the villain so weak that he becomes a joke.Superman I had Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor. Superman II had General Zod. Superman III was supposed to have Brainiac, but they wisely decided to shelve him in favor of Richard Pryor…

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The randomly selected winner of the “Green Lantern” costume contest is: April D.! Congratulations April! You’ll be contacted by email to collect your prize. Thanks to the 22 people who entered and made this one of our most successful contests. If you didn’t win, you’ll want to check out their other Green Lantern costumes here including the awesome Kilowog mask. He’s my favorite character, so I keep getting excited by how realistic it is. Not sure if I could pull it off with my physique though. Green Lantern opens in two weeks! I’m so excited! Come back next week Wednesday (June 8th)…

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Last weekend I went to the Phoenix Comic-Con 2011 for the very first time and there are so many things I wish I had known! For others planning to attend, and for anyone planning to attend a comic convention, here are some tips to make it a success. 9. Use Public Transportation You can always drive to the center and park, use the directions and parking guidelines for more information. On Saturday, I paid $12 to park across in the garage across from the convention. Not bad, but you can pay $3.50 for a round-trip ticket to the center and save some…

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Even though Thor lacks an epic story and romance, its themes of family and epic visuals make it a triumph. I spent a long time trying to come up with a title that didn’t use the word “hammer” since everyone’s doing it, but it really does feel like being hit with a hammer of action for two hours. Thor is about the egotistical son (Chris Hemsworth) of the ruler of the mythical world of Asgard. They have incredibly advanced technology and during the Nordic age fought of the evil frost giants. While on earth, he literally runs into an astrophysicist named Jane…

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[THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED] We’re so excited about this month’s contest! Would you or someone you know love a Green Lantern costume? Enter our contest and spread the word about the contest to all Green Lantern fans! has an amazing assortment of superhero costumes from old school comic book versions to newer movie versions of costumes! If you don’t win or aren’t entering the contest, you should still check them out.The PrizeOne of our readers may choose from one of the two awesome costumes available.Adult Green Lantern Costume including eye mask and jumpsuit with boot covers. Child Green Lantern Costume muscle jumpsuit with…

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Watch a three minute clip of the movie Star Wars dubbed over with hilariously appropriate quotes from French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. Guerres des Étoiles Existentielles (Star Wars Existential) was made by OneMinuteGalactica. George Lucas is going to release a pointless fifty-five disc Special Extended Edition next year. My favorite quote? The X-Wing fighter pilot dies screaming, “Nothingness, I embrace you!” How funny is this Star Wars video? Is it true that “every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance?” Via Roger Ebert

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The final part of our spaceship “dream team” is complete and it is the ship: Star Trek’s USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)! This is a good choice since it’s large, has a good complement of weapons and it’s warp drive will allow them to travel anywhere in the universe. The results of the poll can be found here. Since February we’ve been asking you, the readers, who you’d draft in your ultimate spaceship crew. A dream team. You’ve made some spectacular choices. Some controversial. Others familiar. Overall, it’s a crew any science-fiction fan would love to be a part of. Captain Han Solo from Star…

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Here’s the biggest news of the day. The Spider-Man reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man, doesn’t open till July, 2012, but we’re getting a flood of behind-the-scenes photos and video. So, far not bad. Mania Thor had a huge opening weekend bringing in $66 million dollar. Although the opening for “Thor” wasn’t as enormous as those of other superhero movies, it still exceeded studio expectations, which were around $55 million. It was the third-highest opening for a Marvel franchise launch, behind “Spider-Man,” which made $115 million in 2002, and “Iron Man,” which made $98.6 million in 2008.Huffington Post A new theatrical trailer…

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) was an unqualified success and a tragic failure. The film made $373,062,864 worldwide. This alone guaranteed the film would be green-lit for a sequel. On the other hand, it got a 37% from critics on the website “Rotten Tomatoes” and is filled with continuity errors. Here are five reasons we’ll never get a sequel and why you should rejoice. 1. Deadpool Spin-off is Ignoring the Original Like a red-headed step-child, no one wants to be associated with the original. One of the stand-out characters in Wolverine was Deadpool. Played with wit and charm by Ryan Reynolds he exuded cool and, despite…

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If you’re planning to see Thor, here’s a summary of everything you need to understand about the movie before you go including explanations of the characters, why you’ve never heard of him and how he fits into the rest of the Marvel films leading up to the Avengers. Many people have told me they’re not going to see Thor because they don’t know the character and would feel left out. I’ll try and answer some of the common questions I’ve gotten. Who is Thor? Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is a superhero based on a Norse god named Thor “God of Thunder”. He…

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Thor, the movie about a superheroic Norseman, opens in the U.S. tommorrow and you can find out all about them and see sexy pictures of Natalie Portman (Jane Foster), Kat Dennings (Darcy), Jamie Alexander (Lady Sif), and Rene Russo (Frigga) right here.Natalie Portman

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While we’re not a software site, we do love geek history which is why we’re passing on this press release about Android, iPad, iPhone app “Today in Geek History” “Today in Geek History” now available for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Android devices! With over 3000 facts, impress your friends with your geeky knowledge! Find out what happened in Space, Technology, People, Books and Movies (just to name a few). Whether you’re a space geek, nerd, gamer or physicist, “Today in Geek History” has something for everyone. Best of all, it’s now available for iOS platforms, iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch!…

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In honor of the 2011 Star Wars day we now present the top ten ways you know you’re a Star Wars fan if… 9. You had a crush on Princess Leia or Han Solo. 8. You can name four planets from the Star Wars films, but don’t know the capital of Assyria. 7. You’ve seen all six movies, but call Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) the “first one.” 6. You know the names of the actors that played Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C-3PO even though we never see their faces in the movies.5. Han Solo shot Greedo first!4. A variation of the phrase “These are…

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In case you missed them, here are the most popular posts of last month revealed. 1. 10 Best Sci-fi Shows Canceled After One Season Counting down the best shows that were cut down before their prime. 2. Profile of Adrianne Palicki TV’s Sexy New Wonder Woman [Profile] There’s a new Wonder Woman in town and her name is Palicki. 3. EXCLUSIVE: Jar Jar Binks Explains Why He Sucked Meesah thinks he gonna suck. 4. 10 Crazy But True Facts About “The Wizard of Oz” Can you believe a movie about green witches and flying monkeys has surprises? 5. 10 Best Life-Size Star Wars Replicas…

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Z is for Zod Here are a few quick facts about Michael Shannon, the man that will play the villainous General Zod in Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot Man of Steel. He’s got some big shoes to fill. IGN named Terrance Stamp’s portrayal of the super-powered megalomaniac General Zod in Superman I and II as #30 on their list of the ‘Top 50 Comic Book Villains.’ They said “Stamp is Zod.” Michael Corbet Shannon is 6′ 4″ and was born August 15, 1974 in Lexington, KY, USA. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in…

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X is for X-Men The new International trailer for the comic movie X-Men: First Class was released last night on Yahoo and we’ve got a breakdown of the best screen caps along with quotes from the actors that explain the characters. Synopsis: “Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were archenemies, they were closest of friends, working together, with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, a rift between…

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U as in USS All the Federation starships in the Star Trek universe have the designator USS, like USS Enterprise or USS Voyager, but what does it mean and where did it come from? Officially, the designator means “United Star Ship (Federation of Planets).” The creator of the show, Gene Roddenberry, was a US Navy man and his vision of Star Trek was of a Naval vessel in space. In fact, the original pitch had the name USS Yorktown after a World War II aircraft carrier. It’s usage dates back to the seafaring days when the US Navy used U.S.S. to mean …

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S is for Sarah Jane Elisabeth Sladen passed away on April 19, 2011 at the age of 63. She was best known for her role as investigative journalist Sarah Jane Smith on the long-running scifi series, Doctor Who. Sarah Jane was the most popular of Doctor Who’s companions, having been a sidekick for the Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) and the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker). She made guest appearances on the series in later years, and in 2007 proved to an enduring heroine on her own when she starred in the popular spin-off, The Sarah Jane Adventures. It’s hard to express…

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Q is for Q The aliens of Star Trek have always been imaginative, from the menacing Klingon to the bizarre Andorians. But, sometimes the make-up department made an alien that took them a coffee break to make. The all-powerful Q looked exactly like us. His omnipotent powers allowed him to have a British accent though. Here are nine other Star Trek aliens that took very little effort.10. Nagilum (Star Trek: The Next Generation) Distinguishing feature: Eyes and mouth suspended in space Supposedly, an inter-dimensional being of immense power it manifested itself as a two eyes, a nose and mouth in space.…

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P is for Papercraft Science-FictionChildren have been playing with paper dolls for hundreds of years, but these 3-D paper dolls will crush all in their path using flamethrowers, chainsaws and machine guns.Grab a sharp pair of scissors, a glue stick and make some of the toughest papercraft models in the universe.10. Boba FettI first ran across Shunichi Makino’s SF work when I was looking for a good picture for the Jango Fett post. I was amazed at his intricate paper designs. Here, the ultimate bounty hunter Boba Fett is ready to lay waste to the “Raggedy Ann” paper doll next to him. Courtesy of…

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O is for Uncle OwenKenner finally got around to making Star Wars Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru action figures…[Image Source: rebelslair] This post is “O is for Uncle Owen,” part of the “A-Z Blogging Challenge.” We’ll be posting something on our blog every day in April except Beesler, Alex J. Cavanaugh, Jen Daiker, Candace Ganger, Karen J Gowen, Talli Roland and Stephen Tremp. Visit them today and every day for the next month!

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Every week for the next few months, we’ll be creating the ultimate starship crew from the greatest sci-fi characters of movie and TV. You can help create the “Spaceship Dream Team” by voting in the sidebar. The results of this week’s spaceship “Dream Team” poll is in and our communications officer is Inara Serra (Morena Baccarin) from the Joss Whedon show Firefly! While Inara has virtually no technical experience at communications, she does posses a perfect sense of diplomacy. She’s warm, kind and tolerant and should be a great spokeperson for the ship. Her current job as a high-society courtesan (prostitute) could diminsh her value in…

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