The Marvel Cinematic Universe ventured into new territory with Avengers: Endgame. With no overarching narrative, the franchise dabbled in film and television series that deviated from the standard MCU model. One of these films was the epic that spans millennia, Eternals, directed by the Oscar-winner Chloe Zhao.
When the movie did poorly at the box office, it polarized critics and moviegoers. It was somewhat shocking at the time to see an MCU project so negatively received by critics. Then came other projects like The Marvels and Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania, and it became less shocking to see Marvel stumble.
Although there were persistent rumors that one or more follow-up projects were in the works, the fact that it never found a home made it seem unlikely that there would ever be a direct sequel. Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios, has now talked about the franchise’s future as it attempts to become the box office success it once was.
Kevin Feige stated unequivocally that “there are no immediate plans for Eternals 2,” indicating that the company has no desire to create a follow-up to the 2021 picture.
Feige did, however, also affirm that the MCU will acknowledge the significant world-changing events of Eternals: “There are, and I think you’ve seen maybe in a trailer we’ve released recently, an acknowledgment of some of those events.” It’s unknown if any of the ensemble cast members of the movie will be involved in any future projects, but Feige told Inverse that “certain giant things came out of the ocean.” This news is hardly shocking at all, as Kumail Nanjiani, whose Kingo was among the Eternals’ highlights, said in a 2023 interview that he was unaware of any plans to pursue a sequel.
Are you disappointed that the Eternals sequel is DOA?
[Via: Inverse]