In the third installment of the Star Wars series, Revenge of the Sith, we saw the return of Darth Vader to the screen. Now find out how it all came together. In this featurette, we see George Lucas discussing the evolution of Darth Vader throughout the trilogy, how the final battle between Obi Wan and Anakin was choreographed, and how Lucasfilm fabricated a new Darth Vader costume.
What do you think of Darth Vader’s return?
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<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="34569 ">4 Comments
Shame the story of Anakin to Vader really wasn't more interesting. Didn't buy the rapid change in the third movie.
agreed, it moved to fast… three films could have brought a better taste to some of the cooler cast and creatures.
I like the prequels, and ROTS is my favourite one of them.
I was hoping he would become Vader earlier in the film to give him more of a segway into ANH. I hope Vader will show up in the new Cartoon Rebels.
Loved it.