If the Empire is looking for a way to recruit, they should
look at
these Star Wars
Above Image: Imperial
Pin-up Poster “Do your part, SERVE!” by Feng Zhu
One common method of propaganda uses images of beautiful men
and women
to make people think that if they follow a certain ideology,
they too
will be happy or successful. In that sense, these are
Zhu is a concept artist who’s worked on Star Wars
Episode III:
Revenge of the Sith (2005) and Transformers:
Revenge of the Fallen (2009). He drew “Imperial
Recruitment” posters for the trade paperback Star
Wars Visionaries. They remind me a lot
of the WWII posters.
Try and stay away from the Empire now.
You can see more of Feng Zhu’s portfolio and design school
(Via Geekologie)
This is a cross-post from my other blog Film Sketchr

Z is for Zhu, Retro
Zombie – http://izombielover.
Jeremy is one of the coolest cats I know and an amazing
artist. He
started his blog as an ode to zombies, but it’s so much more
Jeremy takes some insanely cool pictures at conventions and
he also
runs Howlin’ Wolf
On-Line Magazine, Horror
Alliance, eBook Art
& Designs. Follow him on Twitter @iZombieJMH and Facebook.
Also make sure you peek at his books, art and shirt places:
This post was part of the month long “A-Z
Challenge.” For 26 days, we chose a letter from the alphabet
and recognized 26 of our favorite geeky blogs. To read more
of the
posts in the series
click here.
To find out more about the challenge go here.
Check the Facebook
page and follow on Twitter
using the hashtag #AtoZChallenge.
Hosted by The
Madlab Post (Nicole Ayers), Tossing it Out
(Arlee Bird),
Amlokiblogs (Damyanti
Biswas), Alex
Cavanaugh (Alex J. Cavanaugh), Life
is Good (Tina Downey), Cruising
Altitude 2.0 (DL Hammons), Retro-Zombie
(Jeremy Hawkins), The Warrior
Muse (Shannon Lawrence), The QQQE (Matthew MacNish), Leave it to
(Livia Peterson), No Thought 2 Small (Konstanz Silverbow),
Blogs (Stephen Tremp) and
Spunk on a Stick
(L. Diane Wolfe)
Tags: StarWars, image, images, series_AZchallenge2013,
What do you think of the posters? Would they make people join the Empire?
[Image Source: Geekologie]
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<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="37849 ">8 Comments
Do they even need recruitment? I thought they were all clones.
oh my goodness. those are awesome posters! I bet you everyone would want to join the troop now!
I'm being corrupted by kinky clones.
I dunno Pat. Luke wanted to join
A huge drive Nutschell!
Come to the Dark Side Spacerguy. It's only logical
Looking at those posters I can see why a kid from Tatooine would want to join.
Where can I buy these posters???? It's exactly what I need to complete my basement that is half Star Wars (me) and half pinup girls ( my wife)