Doctor Who has been on the air for 50 years, what do the actors who played “The Doctor” look like now?
Above Image: Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann
According to Doctor Who legend the time-traveling star of the show, known simply as “The Doctor” is hundreds of years old and doesn’t age. In real life, the across leave the show and get older.
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Recently, three of the actors appeared on an Australian talk show. While fans around the world want to see them in the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special, it’s not going to happen.
“There actually making it now as we’re here [in Australia], so the likelihood is [we’re not in it],” Colin Baker joked.
McCoy said, “All the fanbases all over the world believe [we should be involved], but not the producers [of Doctor Who].”
Why not?
Colin Baker guessed, “I look nothing like what I looked like originally, so the viewers would be very confused.” Is that true?
Of the eleven actors who have played The Doctor, three have passed away. William Hartnell (1963–1966) died in 1975. Patrick Troughton (1966–1969) died in 1987. Jon Pertwee (1970–1974) died in 1996.
The remaining eight actors are alive and well. Here’s what they looked like back in their Who days and what they look like now.
Would you want the Doctors back on the show? Have they changed much?
[Image Source: Doctor Who TV]

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<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="38001 ">7 Comments
Davison really hasn't changed that much, considering the years since he played the part.
I'd love to see them all back. I'm also p-o'ed that Eccleston was approached and said no. Sanctimonious jackwagon.
that series seems to have been going on for ages! Ive been wanting to start watching it, but I dont know which Dr. Who version to watch 🙂
Paul McGann gave Dr Who a newer direction which caught on and kept the show alive.
Peter Davison when he was The Doctor looks like Cary Elwes. But you can't pretend to be Cary Elwes forever.
Yeah, he's aged well Alex!
That stinks, but I'm not surprised since they didn't leave on good terms. It would have been great to have two of the old Doctors back though.