F is for Futurama…or Fry, take your pick. Today’s post is part of the A-Z Blogging Challenge for 2012.
One of the funniest and most popular shows for geeks is Futurama
, so it’s no surprise that it spawned a meme, one of which is called the Futurama Fry meme. It takes the form of a squinting image of Fry with a captain that starts with “not sure if…” Like all memes, the Futurama Fry meme exists to highlight a common experience. In this case, it’s those moments when you’re not exactly sure what you’re experiencing. It may be hard to explain, but you’ll recognize it immediately. Here are the 10 of the best.
1. Mainly an American Problem |
2. Skinny Jeans |
3. Automotive Confusion |
4. Which Side Cleaned First? |
5. Awkward Conversation |
6. Either Way, Not Getting Off the Couch |
7. This Is How Accounts Get Locked |
8. Diet Principles |
9. Mathematical Uncertainty |
10. Admit It, You Waited a Few Seconds |
Which of these are your favorite? Do you have any other favorites?
[Image Source: knowyourmeme]
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This post is part of the month long “A-Z Challenge.” For the rest of the month, we’ll be choosing a letter from the alphabet and crafting a post around it. To read more of the posts in the series click here here. To find out more about the challenge go here.
Hosts: Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out, Alex J. Cavanaugh, Stephen Tremp at Breakthrough Blogs, Jenny Pearson at Pearson Report, Matthew McNish at The QQQE, Tina Downey atLife is Good, Jeremy Hawkins at Retro-Zombie, DL Hammons at Cruising Altitude, Shannon Lawrence at The Warrior Muse, Elizabeth Mueller, Damyanti Biswas at Amlokiblogs, Karen Gowen at Coming Down the Mountain, and Konstanz Silverbow at No Thought 2 Small. Check the Facebook page and the Twitter hashtag is #AtoZChallenge.
<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="40344 ">18 Comments
I liked number six! Maybe they are killing each other?
I don't want to live on this planet anymore. 😀
That's one of my favorites
New to me. Some are pretty funny. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge this month.
Thanks Sharkbytes. Welcome to the blog. I'm trying to visit them all myself.
Go Futurama 🙂
–Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
I havent seen these ones before, saving them now. 😀
Oh man… it must be late or early or I am behind that last one got me… I looked at my internet connection and gave myself a Homer "Dope"… nice move.
Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
A to Z Co-Host
IZOMBIE: Visit the Madness
Hi, sorry I don't know what a meme is? something like a theme? or a memo? Name for something else? Oh, well, I'll look it up on the internet later. Gotta go, see some more blogs. Been nice visiting you. Best regards, Ruby
Thanks, it got me too. I actually reloaded the page. D'oh!
We'll be headed for your blog, too.
Either way, not getting off the couch
Grammy: A meme is sort of like a running joke. Somebody made a picture of Fry, then someone else added a caption, then someone else made a variation of the caption…pretty soon it's a meme.
Nice meme collection here…You should do one with the Amazing Spidey ones! They're hilarious LOL! Btw the ones I relate to from the ones above are # 4, 7, 8 & 9 :p
I might do that, actually. Stay tuned
Some of those Funny Pics really flipped my go out as I tried to perform out what was going on. Truly strange but but took a few spiderwebs off my dirty mind.
hmm, that's my favorites
photo funny
This is great! I hope that you are Continue the good work.
Thanks for your sharing …..
Bangla Funny Picture