I will once and for all end my misspelling of the word “emperor” with this post. I used to be an awesome speller. But, once we added spell-checking software into everything we use I got lazy.
My spelling is pretty bad now. My most egregious spelling error has been the word “emperor.” I use it all the time thanks to Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars. I misspell it every time.
I’ve gotten called out in two highly popular posts I’ve written.
The first time was my post about David Prowse being banned from LucasFilm Star Wars conventions a year ago. In it I referred to “Emporer Lucas” [sic]. It should have read “Emperor Lucas”.
Here are some of my favorite responses to the spelling error:
- Try “Emperor.” I find your lack of spell check disturbing.-
- Still spelling Emperor wrong even after correction 🙁 –
- Editor fail: “Emperor” –
Pretty embarrassing.
Then, in another infographic The Star Wars Timeline of Revision. It got picked up by SlashFilm and went viral. Nice. Except I misspelled Emperor again.
That’s it. I will never misspell Emperor again. I can only assume it’s because I pronounce it “Ehm-Poor-Uhr” instead of “Ehm-Pehr-Ohr”. So, it makes sense.
That is all. If you made it to the end of this post then you get a prize: “The Emperor Gets a Job.”
P.S. I know I spelled Emperor wrong in the title.
Is there a word that you keep misspelling? How did you deal with the spelling error?
[Image Source: 10000ftdrop ]
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