There’s a great opportunity to watch your favorite television shows online for free using Amazon!
If you connect your Twitter account with your Amazon account you can get a $5 credit. With that credit you can get one of several “Video on Demand” shows from Amazon. I haven’t used it much, but free is free right?
To get your credit, connect your and Twitter accounts and you will automatically follow @amazonvideo and @amazon_movies. The following message will then be automatically tweeted from your Twitter account: “I just got a $5 credit for instant movies and TV shows @amazonvideo. Click to get yours. #get5″.
You can then use your $5 credit to rent a new release movie, catch up on recent TV seasons, or even watch your favorite TV shows the day after they air. Browse over 100,000 movies and TV shows on Amazon.
Here are the best sellers in the science-fiction category.
Doctor Who Let’s Kill Hitler [HD]
Doctor Who A Good Man Goes to War [HD]
EUReKA This One Time at Space Camp [HD]
Alphas – A Short Time in Paradise
Alphas Catch and Release [HD]
Futurama Cold Warriors [HD]
Are you going to get a free Amazon credit? Which show are you going to watch?
Via Couponing 101